Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wishing you a Merry Christmas...

I hope you and your families have a very special Christmas, and enjoy old traditions, as well as making new ones!
One of the oldest traditions we have is making a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake on Christmas, and singing happy birthday to Him. I think this was started when Wesley was born in 1997. I have photos of every year of the kids with the cake. It's a sweet way to see how they've grown through the years.
Seems like each year, there is a new tradition added...we've made "Reindeer Food" with oatmeal and glitter to attract Santa's reindeer, bought age appropriate from each of the kids to donate, made gingerbread houses, and the like...wonder what new tradition will be started this year!
What traditions does your family celebrate?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

So, what do you think? what do you think? Is it you think it fits?? 'Cause I think I love it!, if I could just learn all the tricks to this blog thing, I think this could be fun...
My life IS a three ring circus, and so far, shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
People always stop to admire the little ones and tell me "It goes by fast, enjoy it while you can!" I guess I can see does seem like yesterday that Wesley was so little...but while you are in the midst of all the chaos, time seems to CRAWL! bedtime is an eternity away, right?? ...theirs AND mine...
So if anyone I know has seen the new background, let me know what you think!